SharePod 4.2

Free A free tool to manage and transfer to PC all the media files of your iPod
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4.2.0 See all
Jeffrey Harris
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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What if the drive where you keep all the media associated to your iPod crashes? If you do not happen to have a backup copy of all those music files, videos and images, chances are that the next time you synchronize your iPod using iTunes, all the content in your player will be mercilessly wiped out.

SharePod looks like just another tool to manage your iPod, and it will certainly allow you to do most of the things you usually do through iTunes. But SharePod can do something iTunes will not do – save your media files. This free tool will transfer all the content from your iPod (or selected files) to the drive you've chosen, thus preventing you from the tedious task of re-building your whole media collection. You can make it perform a full backup of your iPod, iPhone, or iTouch, or just to make a copy of the files you are most interested in. This feature certainly makes SharePod worth having, but there is more to it than that. This application includes also all the basic functionality you usually use iTunes for, such as the possibility of uploading new media, creating and removing playlists, adding and editing tags, moving files between playlists, etc. Actually, you will be able to move around your iPod’s media files with the same freedom you move around the files and folders in any of your drives.

FM Senior editor
Francisco Martínez
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Review summary


  • Makes a backup copy of your iPod
  • Includes all the basic features you need to move music and videos to and from your iPod
  • Includes support for iPhone and iTouch


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